1. Testing I-framesqqq

    Jan 23, 2019

  2. No Primary Associations

    Jan 18, 2019

    The following is to test FLO-5059
  3. Chameleon Bites Dog

    Dec 18, 2018

    The chameleon bites a dog! It was crazy.
  4. Prim Association to An Event

    Dec 4, 2018

    Today we will be releasing the first marching performance WITH audio on FloMarching thanks to the 2-year long effort by Wesley Sullivan (and cohorts) to break down the wall that is music copyrights. This is a MASSIVE win as a large percentage of our subscribers are asking for music on marching replays on the daily. To put it in perspective, the SILENT archives of DCI and BOA 2018 seasons have resulted in 85,000 premium minutes watched since this past June and have netted us over 785 subs. Imagine what the possibilities are if we actually have fully licensed archives like the one we are launching today. (Nominated by Ryan Montalvo & Michael Gilley)
  5. 10/27 MVPs this Week

    Nov 27, 2018

    Recently, there was an issue discovered by Adam Armstrong where archives on the Apple TV and Roku apps were not geo-blocked according to the rules set in Ooyala. Due to the already full plate of the dev team, Truong spent time (after midnight the day before Thanksgiving) and created a solution to the problem so that we would be compliant with our rights contracts. This is a big deal as some penalties for not geo-blocking archives are upwards of $400,000. Truong stepped up big time, but that is no surprise. (Nominated by Michael Cramer)
  6. 10/13 MVPs this Week

    Nov 13, 2018

    Caleb, LJ, Travis, Phil, Lori, Gabi, Katy, Monica for the CFR. I would like to nominate everyone for the CFR for using great interdepartmental communication. Live production used videos from content for the pre-show, Content used videos from live production for social, Planning helped coordinate with in-house production. Had to overcome many problems after arriving on-site. (Nominated by Travis Peter)
  7. Article Tagged Cute and Donkey - Prim Associated to an Event

    Nov 6, 2018

    Mark BD - FloSports unexpectedly became the main distributor for a FloRugby event this past weekend. This was a first for FloSports and Mark, and he showed great poise and initiative during this chaotic time. He created a process from scratch, understood and met the requirements of the contract, developed an escalation plan, and also remained on-call over the weekend. (Nominated by Dylan Crawford)
  8. 10/30 MVPs this Week

    Oct 30, 2018

    Danny Cartagena from our live QA team is this weeks Most Valuable Problem-solver. A week ago we discovered that the latest version of Flocaster had some video quality issues (strobing). Danny manages to back out the offending code, and then build, test and release a new Flocaster version in time for this weekends Super 32 wrestling event. No developer involvement needed. (Nominated by Karl Snyder and Niels Brunsgaard).
  9. Testing Video Embeds

    Oct 25, 2018

    Testing out video embeds admin vs front end urls 
  10. Erin Testing Embeds 2 (didn't click to code view)

    Oct 23, 2018

    This first video is using a front end URL
  11. Erin Testing Video Embeds (clicked to code view)

    Oct 23, 2018

    Erin Deleted This video
  12. 10/16 MVPs this Week

    Oct 17, 2018

    Jack Lavey. He's an R&D wizard and helped me crack telestration. (nominated by Efren Salinas)
  13. 10/2 MVPs this Week

    Oct 2, 2018

    Sarah Hoffman, Megan Motley, Bowling Content/Marketing Team, & 3.0 Engineering for enabling the #1 Bowler in the world to give us the shout out attached. When we have the #1 bowler in the country making an unsolicited post like this it's beyond amazing. Sarah's tweet for FloBowling on how to watch an event on the site that explains FloZone, individual streams, etc. It was much needed to help fans of FloBowling understand how to see all the coverage we offer. It's this kind of engagement that gets the fans excited about what we're doing. We have had a few subscribers confused and she solved the problem.
  14. 9/25 MVPs this Week

    Sep 25, 2018

    Caleb Hoffman, CJ, and Brady Covington - Renocross was a difficult event, made harder by the fact that the event director was changing the course, lighting, power drops and internet until the night before the race, making any kind of plan near impossible. Getting set up was a full team effort, but as soon as the show started Caleb and CJ made sure it went off flawlessly, and looked amazing. The camera coverage that they set up didn’t have any blind spots, and the use of picture in picture allowed them to tell a fuller story of the race instead of just focusing on the leader. They were able to co-ordinate a sideline reporter doing interviews at 2 different locations with very limited communication because the wireless system was broken. The team exhibited a tremendous amount of patience and a boat load of can do to execute the highest quality cycling broadcast that FloSports has ever produced. (Nominated by Brady Covington & Eric Helton)
  15. 9/18 MVPs This Week

    Sep 18, 2018

    9/18 MVPs This Week